Mailing List
While our meetings, programs, and services are generally open to the whole community, Hazelwood Initiative is still a membership organization, and we appreciate that residents, stakeholders, and friends feel invested in our work through your membership.
We also recognize the challenges that the COVID19 pandemic brought upon our community – Membership is now FREE. All that is required for 1 year of HI membership is for you to confirm that you would like to either renew or begin your membership by completing the form below.
As a member, you will also be able to vote in November to elect our our board members. In this way, your membership has a direct impact on the priorities and of the organization and its strategies to achieve those goals!
Even if you decide to not be a member, know that we are still here for you and encourage you to reach out if you think we can be of assistance.
Membership lasts one calendar year. Please make sure to renew each November so that you can vote in the board election that month. THANK YOU for your interest and participation in helping us build a stronger Hazelwood through inclusive community development!
If you don't want to vote, but do want to stay informed, sign up here to receive our weekly MailChimp newsletter letting you know about upcoming meetings, community events and job opportunities.
(Check your junk mail folder if you signed up previously and haven't been receiving our emails.)